Invisalign® in Raleigh, NC
Do you want beautiful straight teeth but cannot imagine life with braces? Want braces that are almost invisible? Eat anything you want while straightening your teeth? Play an instrument without wired braces?
Are you an adult who had braces in your youth but now wants to straighten teeth that have moved over the years?
Consider Invisalign! At Walton & Maready, we offer a complimentary consultation to determine if Invisalign is a good option for you.
What is Invisalign®?
Invisalign® is a series of invisible aligners custom fabricated just for you using 3D computer-aided design and manufacturing technology. With Invisalign®, you can view 3D images of how your teeth will move even before starting treatment so you can see what your new smile will look when your treatment is complete.
The clear aligners are removed when eating, drinking, brushing, flossing, or playing a sport or instrument. You’ll have better oral hygiene than traditional braces and the freedom to eat any foods you want. The aligners are smooth and are often considered more comfortable than traditional braces. Typically, appointments are shorter because there are no wires to adjust. And appointments are scheduled at 12-15 week intervals instead of the 4-6 week intervals that are necessary with traditional braces.

How does it work?
Each set of upper and lower clear aligners has a small number of built-in tooth movers. The aligners are ideally worn 20 hours a day, or as close to 20 hours as one’s lifestyle permits. Each aligner set is worn for approximately 1-2 weeks before progressing to the next set. As you move through the series of aligners, you will notice your teeth straightening little by little until the desired straightening is complete.
The number of aligners and the length of treatment needed varies for each patient depending on the severity of the problem and the desired final result. Total treatment time can be shorter than traditional braces or similar depending on the tooth movements

Why See an Orthodontist for Invisalign®
Choosing an orthodontist for Invisalign® treatment over mail-order aligners is advisable for several reasons. Orthodontists, as specialized dental professionals, conduct a thorough evaluation of your oral health, creating a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. They provide ongoing monitoring, make necessary adjustments, and offer expertise in addressing complex orthodontic cases.
Mail-order aligners may offer convenience but lack the personalized attention, expertise, and follow-up care that orthodontists provide, potentially resulting in suboptimal results, especially for more complex cases.
Top 6 Reasons For Invisalign®
The Invisalign® aligners are clear and barely noticeable to others. For many patients, this is their most compelling reason for selecting Invisalign®.
Better Oral Hygiene
With Invisalign®, you can easily remove your aligners to brush and floss your teeth.
Fewer and Shorter Office Visits
Without wires to adjust or repair, you do not need to visit the orthodontist as frequently as with traditional braces. Once the course of treatment is determined and the aligners are designed, the Invisalign® method of moving teeth requires far fewer ongoing appointments.
No Dietary Restrictions
With Invisalign®, you do not have to be careful about eating certain foods that can bend wires or get caught between wires with traditional braces. With Invisalign®, you remove your aligner before eating, so no foods are off-limits.
Invisalign® is much more comfortable than the wires and tightness of other treatments. There is typically some tightness and tenderness at the start of each new aligner, but this initial feeling of tightness eases with each day. Also, Invisalign® does not require patients to use orthodontic wax or palliative rinses, which are recommended with many metal braces.
Let a Kid Be a Kid
Invisalign® offers kids both freedom and responsibility. Freedom to play sports and instruments and eat whatever they want; responsibility for wearing the aligners each day for the recommended time to reach their desired smile in the shortest number of months possible.
Invisalign® Frequently Asked Questions
1. How does the Invisalign® system actually work?
Invisalign® starts with a free consultation in our office to determine if the system is right for your mouth, teeth, lifestyle, and desired smile. If Invisalign® is right for your needs, we will take images of your teeth at your next appointment to create a 3d model.
These images will be sent to a specialized dental technician who will work with us on a digital treatment plan. We will customize a plan based on your bite and corrective needs. The plan is then shipped to a lab where your entire course of aligners are custom fabricated to create the precise desired outcome. The aligners are then shipped back to our office. At your next visit, we will give you the set and instructions for wearing the aligners. Each aligner will be worn for about 2 weeks. Once you start the aligners, you will visit our office about every two months for check-ups to make sure the course of treatment is advancing as it should. Adjustments to the plan will be made as you progress through the aligners.
2. Do older adults use Invisalign®?
Yes, Invisalign® is a great option for adults who notice that their teeth have moved over the years and are not as straight as they would like them to be. Whether you have gaps or crowding, Invisalign® can offer the opportunity to get your teeth straightened without metal braces.
3. Can I just do aligners myself without an orthodontist?
It is highly inadvisable to try to use Invisalign® or any mail-order aligners on your own. Your mouth and teeth need the oversight of highly trained orthodontists who understand all the complexities and important medical considerations that go into moving teeth. Mail-order aligners can result in tooth damage and misalignment, higher costs, and a longer straightening period, particularly when damage has to be corrected.
4. Is Invisalign better than braces?
One is not better than the other. Invisalign® and braces basically do the same thing. Both use constant pressure over an extended period of time to gently push teeth into alignment. Braces use metal and ceramic to move teeth while Invisalign® uses sturdy plastic. In some cases, an orthodontist will recommend braces over Invisalign® if teeth are too tightly packed, for instance. In other cases, Invisalign® will be recommended because of lifestyle and the patient’s particular situation.
5. Is there an ideal age for Invisalign®?
Invisalign® can be a viable and attractive choice for youth and adults alike.
6. Can all orthodontic problems be treated with Invisalign®?
No. There are some dental problems that require wire braces. Each patient should be evaluated on a case by case basis to determine which form of orthodontic treatment is best for the patient and will yield the best results.
7. How long is each aligner worn?
Each aligner is typically worn for a period of two weeks. However each course is specific to the patient and therefore your orthodontist will outline a specific plan or cycle dependent on your unique needs.
8. How long will the entire Invisalign system take?
The entire length of your Invisalign® treatment depends on your unique needs. Sometimes Invisalign® is only needed to close a few spaces or treat minor malocclusion. Because each case is different, treatment can last anywhere from as little as 4 months to around 16 months.
9. Is Invisalign® painful?
Although most patients say Invisalign® is less painful than traditional braces, it is not pain-free. Patients typically experience some discomfort when they first start a new aligner, but it is usually only temporary. A patient can take a small dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen on the first day of tightness if necessary.
10. What is the cost difference between Invisalign® and traditional braces?
The cost of Invisalign® is typically comparable to traditional braces, but varies on a case by case basis. If a longer course is needed to correct a malocclusion, the cost would be greater than a shorter course.
11. Can someone with dental implants use Invisalign®?
Unfortunately, Invisalign® is not suitable for those who have dental implants because implants cannot move once they are put in place. Because Invisalign moves all of the teeth in the aligner, having an implant would make the method unsuccessful. If a patient does Invisalign® before an implant, then this treatment is an option.
Benefits of Straightened Teeth
By the end of your orthodontist treatment, you will have straight teeth. Not only does a nice smile boost confidence, but it also improves your overall health.
Health benefits of a straighter smile include:
1. Bacteria Has Fewer Places to Hide and Do Damage:
Crooked teeth provide more hidden crevices for food to hang out. When food lingers and bacteria develop, you can experience inflammation, tooth decay, periodontal disease, gum bleeding, and tooth loss. With straighter teeth, it is easier to floss and brush away unwanted bacteria for a cleaner mouth.
2. Straighter Teeth Typically Have a Longer Life:
With poor upper and lower alignment, protruding or unaligned teeth often rub or grind against other teeth. Over time, this friction can cause your tooth enamel to wear away. Tooth enamel is your first line of defense between your teeth and agents that can cause decay. Straighter, properly aligned teeth run less risk of friction and, therefore, losing their enamel.
3. Straighter Teeth Reduces Risk of Injury:
During an injury, your upper teeth are more likely to be broken, especially if a crowded upper gum causes teeth to protrude. Straighter teeth have a greater chance of not breaking in the event of a fall.
4. Headaches can be Caused by Crooked Teeth:
Crooked teeth can cause routine headaches in some patients due to the extra pressure crowded teeth can put on the jaw. This extra pressure can contribute to headaches or feelings of stress in your face and neck.
5. Straighter Teeth Can Lead to a Happier, More Confident You:
A straight smile can boost self-esteem and happiness. No doubt about it. Smiling relieves stress and makes people feel happier. If you have a straighter smile, you will be more inclined to smile.