Having a healthy, beautiful smile is important, but so is staying on budget. At first glance, you might assume that  Invisalign is way more expensive than traditional braces. But, for most patients, the cost of Invisalign is quite similar to that of traditional braces. The cost can range from $3,000 to $8,000, making it on par with metal and bracket braces which typically average in this same range.

How Much is Invisalign?

The ultimate cost of your Invisalign treatment will depend largely on your individual straightening needs and desires, and whether you have dental insurance that covers teeth straightening. Other variables include the complexity of treatment, the experience level of the orthodontist with Invisalign, where you live, and the retainer and aftercare expenses.

It is essential to schedule a consultation with an experienced orthodontist so you can be sure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision about your treatment with Invisalign. 

How Much Does Invisalign Cost With Insurance?

Insurance policies are different, so Invisalign coverage will vary. The easiest way to learn how much Invisalign will cost with your insurance is to start by speaking to your orthodontist’s office. Their benefits manager will be able to give you a clear picture of your out-of-pocket costs and discuss with you payment plan options that can complement your individual insurance coverage. Then follow up and confirm what you have learned with your insurance company.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost Without Insurance?

Without insurance, Invisalign will cost on average anywhere from  $3,000 to $8,000. Again, your orthodontist’s benefits manager can walk you through payment plan options to help you find a plan that is most aligned with your budget.  

Factors That Affect the Cost of Invisalign

Several factors may affect the cost of your Invisalign treatment:  

Complexity of treatment

Your smile is unique. Your total Invisalign cost will depend on the complexity of the treatment plan, the number of retainers needed, the number of months it will take to achieve results, and the number of office visits required to monitor the progress of your teeth’s movement. Generally speaking, the shorter the treatment plan, the lower the cost.  The longer the plan, the higher the cost. 

Orthodontist’s experience with Invisalign

The producer of the clear aligners, Invisalign, assign providers a ranking based on their experience working with Invisalign. This is called Invisalign Advantage. Orthodontists earn points for each Invisalign treatment they complete, and are placed into one of eight tiers (Bronze – Diamond II), indicating their level of expertise. Some orthodontists may choose to charge more for an Invisalign treatment if they are considered highly experienced.

Where you live

Just like housing prices, the cost of an Invisalign treatment will vary depending on where you live. If the cost of living in your area is higher than the national average, you can expect a higher price for your Invisalign treatment plan. Discuss total costs with your individual orthodontist’s office to ensure you have all the information you need before starting your treatment. 

Treatment duration

The length of your treatment affects the overall cost. Longer treatments usually require more aligners, which increases the price.

Retainers and aftercare

Wearing a retainer after orthodontic treatment is crucial if you want to keep your newly aligned beautiful smile straight. Teeth can easily shift after orthodontic treatment, making wearing a retainer essential. Your orthodontist will recommend a retainer that looks and feels quite similar to your Invisalign aligners. This retainer will likely cost a couple of hundred dollars in addition to your Invisalign treatment. It is also essential to keep up with follow-up visits with your orthodontist to ensure your retainer is working as intended to keep your teeth in the correct position.

Insurance coverage

Dental insurance can significantly offset the cost of Invisalign. Some plans cover orthodontic treatments, including Invisalign, so it’s essential to check with your provider.

Is Getting Invisalign Worth It?

There are several mail-order aligners on the market right now, and they all seem to advertise low prices. Do not be fooled or tempted. That low price comes at a cost to the health of your mouth and the success of your teeth straightening. Despite the appealing lower cost and the advertised convenience of mail-order aligners, they are not a substitute for orthodontic care. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists recently issued a consumer alert, cautioning consumers against the use of mail-order aligner services.

Moving teeth is a medical procedure that impacts your entire mouth. Straightening teeth requires ongoing professional medical oversight to ensure the overall health of your mouth and the proper progression of your tooth movements. Orthodontists are highly-trained medical professionals who bring their years of training to the science of straightening and aligning teeth. Proper treatment oversight can only occur in the office of an orthodontist.

Entrusting your smile to experienced orthodontists, like the orthodontists at Walton & Maready Orthodontics in Raleigh, North Carolina, is the only healthy and safe option for teeth straightening, and you can be sure your result will be a beautiful smile.

If you’re ready to explore your orthodontic treatment options, contact Walton & Maready Orthodontics for a free consultation in Raleigh, North Carolina, today!  Get the smile of your dreams with experienced, medically-trained orthodontists. Your teeth and your healthy smile will thank you!